All posts tagged: tawitawi

Panam Pangan Paradise

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”.  ~Aristotle I had no idea what kind of paradise I was getting into when I ventured into the southernmost tip of my country.  This island chain province of peace loving citizens are always affected by media portrayal of turmoil and violence in these parts of the archipelago. So much so that when I announced to my friends and family that I was traveling to Tawi-Tawi, the question was WHY and WHAT FOR? And my only reply was BECAUSE. Because it is there.  I have seen the tiny specks on a map and wondered what life is like in those parts.  I have seen few images of its seascape and I wanted to confirm if it was truly that stunning.  A few times, I thought I was lucky to go, then news reports of peace and order in neighboring provinces would surface, and the trip was shelved.  I’ve read blogs of a few brave journalists who went there on their own and wrote good things …